Employer Resources

How we can help you?

  • Providing employers with at least 200 trained employees to fill in-demand jobs throughout the 24-county area
  • Supporting employers in their efforts to retain quality employees
  • Providing incentives to hire skilled talent to meet employer needs

How employers can help!

  • Refer employees who must be terminated due to the opioid crisis to Michigan Works! for reemployment services
  • Connect employers with resources to address the impact of the opioid crisis in the workplace
  • Establish a Business Resource Network to support employees who may be struggling with substance abuse

Recovery Friendly Workplaces:

  • Recovery Friendly Workplaces webinar, United States Department of Labor, June 21, 2022. Click here to watch the webinar.
  • New Hampshire's  "Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative" promotes individual wellness for Granite Staters by empowering workplaces to provide support for people recovering from substance use disorder. The Recovery Friendly Workplace Initiative gives business owners the resources and support they need to foster a supportive environment that encourages the success of their employees in recovery. Click here to learn more.
  • The National Safety Council has collaborated with an independent research institution, NORC at the University of Chicago, to update "The Real Cost of Substance Use to Employers" tool, originally developed in 2017 with national nonprofit Shatterproof. This cost calculator is an authoritative, easy-to-use tool providing business leaders with specific information about the cost of substance use (including prescription drug use and misuse, alcohol use and misuse, opioid and heroin addiction, as well as use of other illicit drugs and cannabis) in their workplace based on size of employee base, industry and state. Click here to learn more.

Click below to connect with Michigan Works! Business Services Staff for more information!

Michigan Works! Region 7B

Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium

Northwest Michigan Works!